Elective Fair to give students course previews

Katya Tarabrina, Staff Writer

The Elective Fair is an event that offers students information about all of the elective courses at Manhattan High school. Students will learn about elective classes they can enroll in for the next school year at the annual Enrollment and Elective Fair at MHS West campus on Wednesday. While a lot of people don’t know what a class offers until they take it, this fair can help students see a class in more detail.

“The Elective Fair is a chance for upcoming freshmen, current eighth graders and freshmen through juniors to explore all the different electives that we offer here at Manhattan High School,” business teacher Kathy Ricketts, co-chair of the Elective Fair, said.

During advisory, juniors and sophomores will be invited to go down to tour the elective fair. A video by Kristy Nyp’s Media and Digital Technology, Video Production and Media and Public Relations students will also show students the elective courses and what they entail.

After the school day, students may come back with their parents at 6:30 p.m. to learn even more about their potential future courses. The Elective Fair will be open until 8 p.m., and teachers in areas of electives and people from the Manhattan Area Technical College will be there to talk to about all of the courses that are available. From 7 to 7:30 p.m. there will be information regarding MATC credit and concurrent credit classes. Students who want to take MATC classes in the future are encouraged to attend, especially with their parents. Enrollments for MATC will be in room C-110 from 7:30 to 8:00 p.m.

Students can come alone but are encouraged to bring their parents to help explore all the options for their future at MHS. It is very important for students in highschool to find classes they think might help them with their career.

“There’s going to be some general sessions for parents they can ask questions about anything, classes, college classes, what kids need to take,” sophomore counselor Eric Ross said.

Enrollment meetings will also be available from 7:00 to 7:30 p.m. for future freshmen.

Attendance isn’t required, but encouraged to students who wish to explore possible career pathways.