Girls Swim and Dive opens with success

Anika Nyp, Staff Writer

In their first meet of the season, girls swim and dive opened with a success they hope to continue throughout the rest of the year.

On March 19, the divers traveled to Emporia where they were later followed by the swimmers who were able to place third overall.

“I think as a team those events like the 200 [meter] and 500 [meter] are always hard, but the girls that swim in them always preserve and do amazing,” Hailee Lewis, sophomore, said. “For me, the 200 medley relay was tough because it was the first event overall.”

Although the team was able to find victory within each event, it proved somewhat difficult due to missing teammates.

According to Lewis, the team was lucky that the underclassmen were able to step up along with their peers to secure their third place finish.

“Everyone did really great for the first meet,” Lewis said. “I was proud.”