School lunches better than reputation

James Harmer, Videographer

School lunches aren’t the worst thing in the world to eat, but it’s not the best either. I think the lunch workers are doing their best and are doing a good job of getting everyone fed. Personally, I like the Salisbury steak with mashed potatoes and gravy.

The school lunches are a good way to feed people that go to Manhattan High School. The school lunches are affordable, nutritious and contain all of the necessary food groups.

They are doing their best to keep everything healthy and sanitized. They clean and sanitize the utensils and surfaces that people use. The workers also have the utensils in a plastic bag so that the utensil doesn’t get dirty or infected.

To keep everyone socially distanced and safer, the school administration should have everyone spaced out to the recommended six feet guideline. 

The lunch lines should be more spaced out because everyone is just standing about three feet away from each other instead of the six feet guideline. Everyone is spaced out two or three feet. They have set up blue tape markings in the form of an X on the ground spaced out for a reason but people don’t seem to abide by that or even notice that it’s there. The tape is there to space out people and keep everyone socially distanced and keep the school safe. 

The school lunch system is a great way to feed the students that go to MHS.

Instead of complaining about the school lunches, be grateful that you have a source of food that keeps you full and energized throughout the day until you get home. 

The students shouldn’t complain about the type of food they put out, because the lunch workers are doing their best to keep everyone fed and full throughout the day until they get home. Students should be grateful that they are provided education and an affordable lunch every day.