March 1 Artist of the Week: Isabel Dritz

Anna Hupp, Staff Writer

How did you get started with ceramics?

I took a ceramics class in eighth grade and did a little with clay in elementary school. Then I took it through ninth grade and tenth, and I’m still doing it this year.

Why did you stick with it?

I liked it a lot better than anything else that I’ve done artistically, and I’m better at it than drawing or painting.

What is your favorite part of ceramics?

I like working with my hands. When you’re working with clay you can also make whatever you want, so I enjoy that freedom. One time I made a dinnerware set, and I was able to make it exactly how I wanted it, the same size and everything. I also like the idea of making functional pieces, and I think it’s powerful that you can use ceramics to convey an emotion.

Do you find yourself repeating certain themes or shapes throughout your work?

I repeat some details, and I focus a lot on plants and animals.

Do you have a pottery wheel?

Yes, I got a pottery wheel from my grandparents. I’ve had it for a little over a year and used it a couple times.