Artist of the week — Vanessa Guvele

Anna Hupp, Staff Writer

What kinds of art do you do?

Both traditional drawing and painting and also digital paint media. I also play the violin.

What inspires your art?

Well visually-wise I plan on studying animation in college so a big chunk of what inspires me would have to be cartoons and movies. Getting to make people and places that don’t exist, or recreating people and places that do exist in your own way is a lot of fun and in my opinion the best way to tell a story! Music-wise I’m not really sure actually. I’ve always played violin — it’s not a drive so much as a habit really. But ‘ey —  music is great so why not keep fiddle’n.

Are there any themes you find yourself focusing on?

Maybe adventure, friendship, and a smidgen love.

What medium is your favorite?


Why is that?

It is a lot faster than traditional and easier to get brighter and bolder colors than with paints. Also it’s really versatile. Like if I make something I can either keep it as is or make a book, poster, business cards, shirts, etc. Whatever really.

Is there anything else you want readers to know?

Nah, I’m just a kid with a stylus trying to make the most of it.