Junior finds calling in designing programs

Ale Flores, Staff Writer

Many people might relate to the thought “I am a junior and I have no Idea what career I want to have.”

Junior Brent Morrill doesn’t have this problem. He was introduced to programming just this year when he enrolled in Kathy Ricketts’ Java programming class. And has decided programming is definitely going to be on his future.

“My favorite part is kind of like this feeling you get whenever a program actually works,” Morrill said. “After it has not been working for a very long time. Because so many times a program can just not work and you don’t even know why.”

Programming is basically telling the computer what to do with constructed languages, which are made to communicate instructions to a machine.

“Definitely if you want to be into coding you have to learn a lot of different languages,” Morrill said. “You have to be very patient.”

Programming is a very complex career to take, but Morrill is trying to learn as much as he can in high school, so college is less difficult for him.

“It’s kind of like making a recipe book,” Morrill said. “You lay out what you are going to make and the you then start to figure out how to do it and then the computer will do it and you get a result, not always the best, but you will get a result.”

Morrill’s passion for programming is also connected to his love for video games. His plan is to focus on the video game side of programming.

“I play a bunch of video games,” Morrill said. “ Which is why I want to create some.”

To pursue his career as a programmer, Morrill plans to take the Game Design & Computer Programming Basics class next year. After graduating high school, he is considering attending K-State, and then wishes to move to Seattle, where, Nintendo, Microsoft, Bungie and other big gaming companies are located.

“I am definitely thinking K-State,” Morrill said, “because they just remodeled everything too, and it’s all very nice.”

All of Morrill’s plans can only be reached with a lot of effort and good attitude that he is willing to put in to accomplish them.

“The problem is that apparently there are a lot of gaming companies that require a lot of prerequisites, and you have to have to have at least four years already of experience,” he said.

Morrill knows there are a lot of ups and downs with the career he has chosen to take, but his passion for programming is bigger than the fear of it being too difficult for him.

“I think the hardest thing may be creating your own program,” Morrill said. “Because most of the time we do programs that people have done before, there is a guideline. So kind of like making something new is very challenging, but my favorite part is that basically I can create whatever I want.”

A lot of times, the only thing you need to succeed is to put in a lot of effort, which is what Morrill is planning to do until he reaches the point of success. And sometime in the future people might play a video game created by him.

“I think Brent will be a very good programmer,” Ricketts said. “He works and he problem solves and when the program doesn’t work the first time he researches trying to figure out the program on his own. I just think he would do a very good job.”