Importance of planning ahead

Brianna Thomas, Staff Writer

Ever since my grandpa died when I was four, I’ve decided I wanted to be in the medical field. I know a lot of school and a lot of effort goes into the medical field, but I think that it is important to put in the extra work and effort for your future to be successful and make it the way you want it.

A lot of people go through high school without having any sort of idea of what they want to do in the future. It is important to have an idea, even if it is not fully thought out. That way you have a general idea of what classes you should take and which classes do not do anything to help you reach your goal.

This matters because, if you go through high school and do not know what you want to do and then you finally know by college, you will have less preparation and you will also have to cram your learning in college.


I think it would be way less stressful on you in the future for you to have the information in high school and go from there in college. If you have an idea by college, you can also look for jobs that correspond with the occupation you chose in high school.

For me, graduating early is planning ahead for my future. I think everyone should plan ahead for their own future because, after high school, you are practically an adult and you have to start doing things yourself. Pushing yourself to make plans is important, not just for your high school and college career, but it is important so you do things in the future that you want to do instead of something you do not want for yourself at all.

Being prepared for the future is important because it is the rest of your life. You should start a career young — one that you love and keep building up to your retirement rather than having to work at a low-income job you hate, all because you were not prepared in high school.

Your future is your future. Have an idea of what you want to do, plan ahead for it and take action to achieve your goals for your life. It’s your life; start to take control of it.