Shark finning heartless, pointless

Savannah Cherms, Trending Editor

The harsh stereotype of evil, bloodthirsty killers has followed sharks around for as long as man can remember. Movie directors have been perpetuating this stereotype since “Jaws” and now with the upcoming blockbuster “Shallow Waters.”

While these animals are predators, they are not the deadly killers we make them out to be. The image of these creatures is what has been causing the steady and frightening decline in the number of sharks in our oceans.


One of the largest suspects in the rapid endangerment of sharks is shark finning and illegal fishing. Fishing boats are going out into open waters and capturing sharks only to cut off their fins and toss them back into the ocean to sink to the bottom and rot. The reason? Shark Fin Soup. The soup is considered a delicacy in Eastern countries despite the fact that the fins of these animals add no taste to the soup. These solitary creatures are being massacred to add texture to a dish.

So why isn’t anyone doing anything to stop this? Why are we just now hearing about this? The fin industry is a huge money-maker. Fins sell for thousands of dollars, and the illegal industry is what is bringing in funds for these poor countries. In most cases, governments know about these illegal fishing boats that are out in unclaimed waters murdering these animals and demolishing the species in the name of money. These money-hungry governments have zero regard for the effect that these animals have on the oceans they live in.

What can you do to help? You don’t have to go out and find these illegal fishermen yourself; there is plenty a person can do from home such as making donations supporting groups like the Sea Shepherds, Wildaid and the Humane Society International. The easiest way to help sharks is to spread awareness. Let people around the world know what is being done to these animals, and advocate for change locally. Social media is your best friend when trying to advocate for these causes by reaching a wider audience.

Don’t let a stereotype wipe out an entire species. We must advocate for our oceans and our Earth. They are all we have left.