Timeline for foster care process as a teen

Taylor Bullock, Staff Writer

A thought that has plagued many in adoption and foster care for a while now is that individuals looking into adopting children only want babies, is a thought that. It’s quite uncertain where that rumor began, but like many others it became well known.

According to Afamilyforeverychild.org, there’s plenty of people looking to adopt older children. Those looking include people who’ve never parented before, have adult children and want more, and any other situation that has people wanting to adopt. But, what is the process for adopting a teen according to A Family For Every Child?

  • Homestudy: The homestudy is conducted by a social worker who will interview the family to find out why they chose adoption, what they know about adoption, how they dealt with life struggles and how they plan to deal with adoption or cultural issues in the future.
  • Educational Component: The educational component is legally required. It is a set of one-on-one workshops or seminars that explores the challenges the family may face during the adoption.


Many teens in foster care awaiting adoption may feel unwanted or unloved but A Family For Every Child wants to do its part to put a stop to that.

“Like all of us, these kids need stability, a sense of belonging, and opportunities to develop and grow,” A Family For Every Child’s website states. “These things are all far more likely if they are part of a family.”