Spotify 2020 wrapped

Taryn Robinson, Opinions Editor

With 2020 coming to an end, many entertainment apps and systems are wrapping up the year. One of the many apps doing this is Spotify.

Spotify is one of the most popular apps that users listen to music with. With over 144 million premium subscribers worldwide, many are anxious to see what Spotify has up its sleeve for the holiday season, and what’s in store for the new year.

Spotify is having a December event called “2020 Wrapped.” This event lasts through the month of December, showing users what their stats were. Spotify starts rounding up all of your data starting on Jan. 1, lasting to Oct. 31, compiling the information onto a detailed list. 

The stats this year include how many new artists they discovered, how many genres you listened to and what Spotify calls your top fives — what your most played songs were, your top podcasts and your top artists. This information makes it easy for users to share their stats on social media. Others will be able to see your Spotify Wrapped story, but only if they are a subscriber to Spotify. However, if you look for them now, you’re possibly out of luck — these stories are only available to view for a limited time, but you are always able to see your past Wrapped playlists.

This event is mainly viewed from smartphones and is not available on the desktop version of Spotify. You will not be able to view other people’s Wrapped playlists, but you will be able to see your own playlist, your missed hits playlist, your past Wrapped playlists and other playlists made for you based on your liked songs.