What you need to know about Salvation Army programs during Christmastime

Maya Minocha, Blue M Organizations Editor

The holiday seasons can be very busy. The weeks of December are filled with finals, finding the perfect presents and making gifts for your friends. While you are making a wishlist to give to your family, or trying to find the perfect gift, you should keep in mind that the holidays are easier for some than others. Lots of families in our community struggle to provide their families with gifts or a holiday meal on christmas morning. The Salvation Army has started the “Angel Tree” at their locations to help provide families with the perfect Christmas. All the Salvation Army locations have a tree with paper angels on them. The angles include information about the family and their likes and interests. You can select an angel from the tree and Christmas shop for a family. Another way you can help a family in need this holiday season is with the Adopt-A-Family program sponsored by The Junior League of Flint Hills. Participants will shop for gifts, wrap the gifts and deliver them to the family’s home. This is a great service project for clubs, church groups and families to participate in. It can help provide a family with a christmas that otherwise might not be able to celebrate them. For Adopt-a-Family, information contact [email protected]