25 “fun” things to do if you’re sick

Tracy Le, News Editor

Got the flu? 25 (relatively) fun things to do when you’re sick and bored.

  1.     Sleep so much you demolish any hope of returning to your “regular” sleep schedule
  2.     Scroll through Pinterest and fail at doing obscure crafts
  3.     If you feel up for it, trudge outside and go for a stroll
  4.     Cuddle with pets (or pillows)
  5.     Watch TV shows you aren’t the least bit interested in
  6.     Make a pillow fort, put on some headphones and read
  7.     Shop online and look at everything on Etsy
  8.     Check out random places on Google Earth
  9.     Stare at walls
  10. Make music or write poetry
  11. Marathon Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, or Shrek
  12. Fortify your bed with snacks and beverages and a laptop
  13. Set up a chessboard and play against yourself
  14. Make conversation with telemarketers
  15. Stalk people on social media
  16. Complete a coloring book
  17. Read up on urban legends
  18. Fall into a YouTube wormhole
  19. Learn to play the ukulele
  20. Get yourself a lot of coffee
  21. Visit an online museum
  22. Feed birds
  23. Learn the art of calligraphy and draw a gorilla
  24. Have a pillow fight with yourself (we should probably not include this)
  25. Fake your death and attend your funeral in a disguise (just kidding we should definitely not include this)